
Anti DArwins Theory, Hazrat ADAM alaihis salaam was the First human Being on the Earth. .. Refrences From HoLy QuraN. . .

This Post is SpecialLy for those Muslims Who despite of Being a Muslim belives in the Stupidity of Darwin's Theory. . .
These People Include the reKnown so called scholars of This era Including GHAMDI, and others. . .
I jus wanna say them that they should b awaken and see What ALLAH ALMIGHTY has  said in hOly Quran, Other than Believing on the False views. . . .

In "Surah aa'raaf " There is the Verse In which ALLAH ALMIGHTY telling about the "THE CREATION OF HAZRAT ADAM A.S, and TheCommands of ALLAH to ANGELs to Prostrate ADAM a.s. . .""
Then After wards, in Verse # 24, ALLAH Asked Hazrat Adam a.s to descend down From Heaven to Earth to Settle there. . .
In "Surah Bani IsraeL" Verse 61, 62 There is The Story of IBLESS And ADAM a.s That IBLEES refuse to Prostrate ADAM a.s and For That He was Being Regarded as SHETAAN . . .

These Verses Are Just Showing about the Event of Creation of Hazrat Adam Alaihis SAlaam. . .and ALLAH's Order to the Angels To Prostrate Him. . .

And in Later Verses of Other Chapters Of HoLy Quran Insha-ALLAH i wiLL prove That Hazrat Adam a,s Was the First Human Being, on the Earth. . .
 Now This Verse of "Surah Aa'raaf" telling about the Creation of Bani ADAM Means The Off Springs of ADAM a.s . . .
Now here in, 
Surah Hijar, Surah Sa'ad, and Surah Baqra. . .
ALLAH ALMIGHTY is Saying to angels about HIS wish That HE , (ALLAH ALMIGHTY) is Intending to Create a BASHAR, (HUMAN BEING) from Clay. . .
and when HE ( ALLAH ) will create the Bashar (Human) Then ALL ANGELS have to Prostrate Him. . .

Now From the Previous Mentioned Ayaats ( verses) of Surah Aar'aaf And Saurah Bani ISra'eeL this Thing has been Cleared that ALLAH created ADAM alaihis SALAM From CLAY And ask Angels To Prostrate him. . .
At Those Verse it was Mentioned that "the One" who was Created and was Prostrated by angels was "ADAM a.s. . ."

and In these Verses of Surah Hij'r Verse # 28, 29. . 
Surah Sa'ad Verse # 71, 72, 73, 74. . .
Surah Baqra , Verse # 30. . .In these Verses ALLAH ALMIGHTY is Clearing Saying to Creat the First Bashar From Clay. . .

and Who was that. . ??
it has been Cleared from the Previous Verses. . .
Now have a Look. . .

 In Surah Baqra Verse # 30. . .
ALLAH tell the Angels that he is Going to Creat the Frst Human Being on Earth as The Successive of ALLAH. . .
And in the Next Verse ALLAH disclose the Fact that who was That human Being. . .
By taking name of Hazrat Adam Alaihis Salaam. . .

 Conclusion. . .
So Here ConClusion is that. . .
ALLAH Created Hazrat Adam a.s and ask Angels to Prostrate Adam a,s . . .
( mentioned in the Surah Aa'araf Verse # 11
Surah bani IsraeL, Verse # 61, 62. . ))

Then In surah Hi'jar Verse # 28, 29. . 
Surah sa'ad Verse # 71, 72, 73 , 74 & 
In Surah Baqra Verse # 30. . 
ALLAH ALMIGHTY tells the Angels That he is Going to Creat the Frst Human Being of Te Earth From Clay and After Creation u ( Angels) have to Prostrate him. . . 
So it has been cleared uptiLL here that who was Being Created and Was being Prostrated and was being the Frst Human being on the Earth. . .

Clue of Hazrat Adam Alaihis Salaam's Wife, Bibi Hawwa From The From Quran. . . 

Surah Baqra Verse # 35. . 

In that Verse ALLAH hs Mentioned the Name of Adam a.s and His Wife . . .and ALLAH asked them both to descend From the Heaven to Earth. . .
ALthough the Name of ADAM a.s wife ( ie, BIBI HAWWA) has not came in Quran, But It has been Cleared from the Ahadees e Nabwi sallallaho alaihiwasallam. . .
 Now uptill here it has been Cleared that Hazrat adm a.s was the Frst Human Being . . 
and He Was dewelling in the Heaven with his Wife. . .
Then ALLAH ALMIGHTY asked them to Leave the Heaven and Descend down the Earth. . .

Why. . .??
Let See in the Further Verses of ALLAH. . .
Surah Baqra , Verse # 36. . .
ALLAH ALMIGHTY xplaining, why Hazrat Adam a.s and His Wife Were Ordered to Descend Down from heaven to earth. . .

Reason was that. ..ALLAH ALMIGHTY forbade them both to Eat the Specific Fruit from the Specific tree. . 
But IbLees cause them to Slip out of wat was Forbaded. . .
Then. . .
 ALLAH Ordered ADAM a.s and his Wife to descend down from heaven. . . 

Surah Aa'raaf , Verse # 24. . .

. . . . .so Thats It. .Hope i have succeded to Clear u aLL about the Events of Hazrat Adam a.s's Creation and His Descent from Heaven to Earth with his wife. . . . . .

1 comment:

  1. very good explanation of first human being of the earth. even though knowing the truth of this matter people still believe in darwins theroy
