
Wasela, Tawassul, Intercession. . .Origin and Right Concept in ISLAM, , ,

Whom we have to called upon for seeking HeLp. . .???

Those AuLia Karam, and Other Human Beings Who has Being called Upon Beside ALLAH ALMIGHTY by those Mushriks. . .
Those Human Beings Were ALSO human Like Those calling. . .
so caLL ALLAH ALMIGHTY ONLY. . .Who is ALL Knowing and ALL hearing. . .

On tha Day of Judgement ALLAH ALMIGHTY wiLL ask the Mushriks, That where Are Ur False Maboods And False HeLpers. . .
whom u called Upon Beside ME ( ALLAH). . . ???

Who is Our HeLper ( MAuLa And MushKiL Kusha. . .??))

Few More Refrences and Explanations in Urdu. . .
us k baad Surah Saba main ALLAh ta'alah Irshaad farmatay hain. . . .. !!!!! 

JAzak-ALLAh. . . ,May ALLAh Give us Such Courage that we Accept the Command of ALLAh and also Act upon it. . .
ameeen. . .!!


  1. The word Tawassul comes from the word “Al Wasila”
    Definition of Al Wasila
    Al-Khalil bin Ahmad (100-170 H.) said in “al Ayn”:
    “Wassaltu to my Lord Wasilatan, means: I did a deed that by which I drew near to Him. And I did tawassul to someone by a book or a relative, means that I sought means of approach to him by it.

    Labeed said:
    ‘I see that the people do not know the value of their affair,
    where as every religious person seeks to draw nearer to Allaah.’
    Isma’il bin Hammad al Jawhari (d. 393 H.) said in “As-Sihah fi Al-Lughah”:
    “Al Wasila: That by which one draws near to another”.

    Al wasilah ” by this meaning is found in the Quran:
    O you who believe! Fear Allah and seek al wasilah to Him. (5:35)
    Its tafsir (interpretation) :
    Tafsir Imam At-Tabari (d. 310 H.) He says: and seek nearness to Him by performing the acts that please Him.
    Tafsir “Bahr al Uloom” by Abul Layth As-Simirqandi (d. 375 H.) It means: seek nearness and virtue by the good deeds.
    Tafsir Ibn Kathir (d. 774 H.) : Ibn `Abbas said that Wasilah means `the means of approach’.
    Mujahid, Abu Wa’il, Al-Hasan, Qatadah, `Abdullah bin Kathir, As-Suddi, Ibn Zayd and others gave the same meaning for Wasilah.
    Qatadah said that the ayah means, “Seek the means of approach to Him by obeying Him and performing the acts that please Him.”

    Tawassul and Waseelah literally means to make a request or supplicate through a means. It is permissible for one to request Allah Ta'ala to accept his du'aa through the medium of some deeds or the rank of certain individuals as this may be closer to acceptance.

  2. There are various forms of Tawassul and Waseela:

    1. To make Tawassul to Almighty Allah that He accepts the Du'aa due to one having performed a certain good deed is permissible and unanimously accepted. It is supported by the Hadith of Sahih Bukhari in which three people were trapped in a cave. Each of them made Du'aa to Allah Ta'ala to move the obstructing rock and they requested Allah Ta'ala to accept their du'aas due to some good deed that each of them had done.

    2. To make Tawassul with the names and attributes of Almighty Allah: This is also permissible and is supported by the following verse, 'And Allah has beautiful names, so call unto Him through them.' (Surah A'araaf v.180). Example: If someone says, 'Oh Allah, I ask you through your attributes and beautiful names to grant my specific wish.'

    3. To make Tawassul to Allah Ta'ala through the rank and position of certain individuals, alive or deceased, in the sight of Almighty Allah This includes the Prophets [alayhimus salaam], the martyrs and any other pious servant of Allah. Example: If one says, 'Oh Allah, I beseech you to accept my du'aa due to the status of Rasulullah [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] in Your eyes.' This form of Tawassul is also permissible according to the vast majority of the Ulama (scholars) and it has in fact remained part of their practise.

    4. Some scholars even mention a fourth type of Tawassul, where a person requests some living pious servant of Allah to make du'aa for him: This is also unanimously accepted.

    The only type of Tawassul that is disputed is number3, where one makes Tawassul through individuals that are alive or deceased by saying, 'O Allah, I besech you to accept my Du'aa due to the status that Rasulullah [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] (or some other pious person) hold in Your eyes.' The first opposition against this form of Tawassul was in the 7th century of Islam. (shifaa-u-siqaam)

    However, it will be permissible to use the Messenger of Allah as a medium of intercession. This can be done in two ways. We can ask the Messenger of Allah to make dua for us, and we can ask our needs from Allah through his medium. This is called waseelah in Islamic terminology.

    The reality of waseelah is to make dua to Allah through the medium of a good act, whether that good act belongs to a living person or to one who has expired. It is actually seeking the medium of Allah’s Mercy in making dua. One asks from Allah through the medium of another who has earned Allah’s Mercy.

    In Surah Aala-Imraan it is mentioned that when Hazrat Zakariyya (RA) saw how miraculously Hazrat Maryam (alayhis-salaam) received out-of-season fruit and the amazing way in which Allah Ta’ala granted her sustenance, he was driven to instant dua, asking Allah for a baby during his old age. The Commentators say he made this dua using Hazrat Maryam as a waseelah or medium. (Quran: 3:38)

    In Surah Baqarah it is mentioned how the Jews used Hazrat Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), who was not yet born, as a waseelah in dua when seeking Allah’s help against their enemies. (Quran: 2:89) They would place their hands on the name ‘Muhammad’ that appeared in the Taurat and made dua using the Prophet to come as a medium. (Tafseer Roohul-Ma’ani and Durre-e-Manthoor). Since this practice was not condemned anywhere in the Quran – in fact Allah Ta’ala cited it as a favour upon the Jews – it forms part of our Shariah and may be practiced upon.

    The story of three people who were trapped in a cave is mentioned in Bukhari Shareef. Each one made dua through the medium of a good act that they had done in the past.

    In a hadith narrated by Ibni Majah and declared saheeh of authentic by Abu Ishaaq and other Scholars, it is stated that a blind man was ordered by Allah’s Messenger to make dua asking Allah to restore his sight through the medium of Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).

    Tabarani narrates from Uthman bin Haneef (radhiyallahu anhu), who is the narrator of the above hadith, too, that he (Uthman) instructed a man to make dua through the medium of Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), and this was after the demise of Allah’s Messenger. (Tabarani in Kabeer)

    During the time of Hazrat Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) there was a drought, so a man came to the grave of Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and said: ‘O Messenger of Allah! Make dua for rain for your ummat, for indeed they have almost perished.’ That same night the man saw a dream in which he was instructed to go to Hazrat Umar and inform him that relief from Allah was on its way.’ (Musannaf Ibni Abi Shaybah) Note: Readers should not think that we are using a dream as a means of evidence; instead it is the act of asking Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam for intercession, that was allowed by Hazrat Umar and Sahaaba in his time.

    A hadith of Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam states: “You do not receive help and sustenance except through the poor and weak among you.” (Nasaa’ee)

    Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam used to seek victory against his enemies through the medium of senior Muhaajir sahaaba. (Mishkatul-Maseebih)

    The Sahaaba used to make dua for rain through the medium of Abbas (radhiyallahu anhu), the uncle of Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

    At this point some might argue that the Sahaaba used the medium of Abbas (radhiyallahu anhu) during his lifetime, so this proves that one cannot use the waseelah of the dead, only the living. The answer to this is that if one may use the waseelah of the living then to a greater extent will it be permissible to use the intercession of the dead, because the basis of waseelah is the blessing and proximity of the medium in relation to Allah. A living person is not always sure that he will maintain the same blessings and the same closeness to Allah, whereas the pious one how has passed on and gone to Allah is sure to maintain the same level of proximity to Allah and the same degree of blessing, if not more. No change is possible in a dead person, but change is possible in the living, hence it is more logical to trust the dead for realization of blessing than the living. Ibni Mas’ud used to say: “If you intend following someone, then follow one has passed on, because the living is not safe from corruption.” (Mishkatul-Masaabih) Note: This answer will apply to those who hold the view that The Messenger of Allah is dead in his Grave. For us who believe he is alive, this dilemma does not surface.

    Furthermore, it was the demand of respect that in the presence of a family member of Allah’s Rasool, dua should be made through him, whilst at the same time the Sahaaba intended to get the dua of Hazrat Abbas (radhiyallahu anhu) himself.

    Ibni Mas’ud (radhiyallahu anhu) narrates that Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “My death is good for you (because) your deeds are presented to me. So when I see good deeds I praise Allah and if I see evil I ask Allah for forgiveness on your behalf. ” (Narrated by Imam Bazzar and declared saheeh by Hathami)

    If The Holy Messenger of Allah makes dua for his ummat whilst in his grave, then this is a clear sign of his intercession for the ummat and that the ummat can actually ask him to make dua on their behalf.

  6. Come to have a Conversation @ FAceBook. . .

  7. And Let Me Clear 1 Thing. . here you have gave refrences for Asking ALLAH by Giving WAseela to ALLAh In This WAy. . .
    "O ALLAH Please Help me , due to the status of Rasulullah [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] . . ""

    This dua is Basically being asked to ALLAh. . .
    So i;s PermissibLe. .
    As ALLAH Almighty said. . "CALL me For Help i wiLL FuLFiLL ur Desires ((duas)). . ""
    Surah Momin ayat # 60. . .

    So we have to CALL Upon ALLAh By Any Means. . .But Point to B Noted is That we can ONLY CALL ALLAH for Dua. . .

    As Dua ((prayers)) are also a Form of IBADAT ((wrship)) and Wrship is oNLy For ALLAh. . .
    As mentioned in ayat # 14 Surah Momin. . .
    "FAD'Ullaha Mukhliseena LAhud'deen WALAO KArihaL KAfiroon. . ""
    So invoke Allah , [being] sincere to Him in religion, although the disbelievers dislike it.. . . .

    DAts It. . .
    JAzak-ALLAh Khaair. . .

    1. What does waseela mean in surah nisa ayat no. 64

    2. In that ayat kuffar are mentioned they will be called to bring whomever they used to pray except Allah.....for God sake dont use ayats for your own benefit like yazid did and said Wa tuizzo mantashao wa tuzzilo mantasha.... and told everyone while touching teeth of imam Hussain a.s with his stick that i wish my elders (relatives) of badr o uhad were alive to see this victory.
