
GeneraL Knowledge, Questions and answers about HAZRAT ESA Ibn-e Maryam (alaihis salaam)

 Questions and answers about HAZRAT ESA Ibn-e Maryam (alaihis salaam)  

  HAZRAT ESA Ibn-e Maryam (alaihis salaam)  

Q. What was the name of Hazat Esa's (alaihis salaam) father?
A. He was born without a father

Q. What was the name of Hazrat Esa's (alaihis salaam) mother?
A. Hazrat Maryam (Alahe Salam) 

Q. What were the names of Hazrat Esa's (alaihis salaam) maternal grandparents?
A. His maternal grandmother's name was Hina and maternal grandfather's name was Imraan

Q. Where was Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) born?
A. In Baitul Lahm, near Baitul Maqdis

Q. What is the meaning of the word Esa as per the dictionary?
A. It means Leader

Q. Which Nabi announced the purity of his mother in being nurtured?
A. Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam)

Q.  What were the two famous titles of Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam)?
A.  Kalimatullah and Roohullah

Q. What was the name of the fortunate person who first accepted the Prophethood of Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam)?
A.  Habib-e-Najaar

Q. Why are the followers of Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) called Nasara?
A. It is because his mother lived in a place called Naasira and this is where he commenced his propagation and based on his link to the said village, they are known as Nasara

Q. What did the Quran refer to the close loyal members of Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) as?
A. Hawaari

Q.  When the people asked Esa (alaihis salaam) to make a clay bird and command it to fly, which bird did he make?
A. Bat

Q. How many dead people did Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) bring to life and what were there names?
A. Four: Aazar; An old womans son; The daughter of a tax collector and Saam bin Nooh (alaihis salaam) who had passed away thousands of years ago

Q. For how long where they alive after he brought them back to life?
A.  Saam bin Nooh (alaihis salaam) passed away immediately and the other three lived for a long time. They even married and had children

Q. Through the dua of which Nabi did a food mat of cooked food called Maida come down from the sky?
A. Through the dua of Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam)

Q. On the food mat that descended upon him, was there food of this world of food of paradise?
A.  This food was neither of the world nor of jannat but Almighty Allah caused it to descend with his divine power

Q. How many people used to eat from this food which was sent down to Esa (alaihis salaam)?
A.  Every day 4000 people used to eat of it

Q. For how long did this food mat come to Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam)
A. For forty days

Q. How were those punished, who were not grateful for the food and who began to stock for the next days?
A. All of them turned into swines and lived for 3, 4 or 7 days and then died

Q. How many were those who were turned into pigs?
A. They were 300 in number

Q. Who was the last Prophet to come to Bani Israeel?
A.  Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam)

Q.  Who caused the blind to see and the leper to be cured. Which Nabi in the Quran is mentioned regarding this miracle?
A. Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam)

Q. Who is that Prophet who was risen alive into the skies and who will return to earth once again?
A. Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam)

Q. What was the name of that person who the people crucified, thinking it was Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam)
A. Tatyaanoos

Q. On which night was Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) risen into the skies?
A. Lailatul Qadr

Q. What was Hazrat Esa's (alaihis salaam) age when he was taken into the skies?
A. 33

Q. When and where will Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) come back to earth?
A. The Azaan of Fajr would have been given and he will come on the western minaret of the Jaame Musjid in Damascus, where Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) will request Imam Madhi to lead the prayer.

Q. Who will kill the big Dajaal?
A. Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam)

Q. When Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) returns to earth, for how many years will he remain here?
A.  There are three narrations, 7 years, forty years and 45 years

Q. When Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) returns to earth, then after passing away where will he be buried?
A. In Madinah Munawwarah, beneath the Gumbad-e-Khazrat (Green Dome)

Q. Which divine book was revealed to Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam)
A. The Injeel-e-Muqaddas

Q. Which other Nabi was physically alive in the world at the time of Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam)?
A. Hazrat Yahya (alaihis salaam)

Q. Which Prophet foretold and it is mentioned in the Quran that he said, There shall come a Prophet after me and his name will be Ahmed?
A. Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) gave this glad tiding

Q. How long after the Birth of the Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) did our Nabi (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) come on this earth?
A. After 571 years


  1. good history!... of hazrath easa ibna mariyam

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